Our Vision

Like branches of a tree, we grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one. Koilege Sacco Society Limited was formed in 2019 as a form of social gathering uniting family and friends who trace their roots to Koi luget, a name associated with long-distance traders. Its main aim was to provide members with an opportunity to unite and create a pool of funds that can be accessed for development to improve members' economic and social status. It started with 36 members and has grown into one of the most diversified Sacco with members from various works of life who ended up sharing a common bond. Currently, Koilege Sacco is regulated by the Sacco Society Regulatory Authority (SASRA)

Our Vision

To be a world class progressive member-centered SACCO

Our Mission

To optimize members’ experience by securing their financial future through fostering a strong savings culture, financial education, strategic collaborations, and the provision of innovative quality services to enhance overall quality of life.

Our Team

Albert Koilege

Albert Koilege


Lydia Biwott

Lydia Biwott


Winsome Cheboi

Winsome Cheboi


Susan Cheserek


Evans Kibet

Evans Kibet


Leonard Cheruiyot

Leonard Chepkonga


Patrick Chepkonga

Patrick Chepkonga


Christopher Kiprong


Ian Kibet

Ian Kibet


Jacob Cheruiyot

Jacob Cheruiyot

COMMITTEE MEMBER (Credit Department)

H. Cheserek

COMMITTEE MEMBER (Technical Advisor)

Norah Chelimo

Norah Chelimo

COMMITTEE MEMBER (Credit Department)

Raymond Tarus

Raymond Tarus

COMMITTEE MEMBER (Technical Advisor)

Why Choose Koilege Sacco

Member Centered Approach

At Koilege SACCO, our member-centered approach ensures that every decision and service is tailored to meet the unique needs and aspirations of our community.

Strong Savings Culture

We foster a strong savings culture at Koilege SACCO, empowering members to take the first step towards financial freedom and long-term stability.

Holistic Growth

Beyond financial gains, we champion holistic growth, striving for the economic and social advancement of each individual member within the Koilege community.

Transparent and Open Operations

Transparency and openness define our operations at Koilege SACCO, providing our members with a clear view of our processes and fostering trust within our community.

Competitive Interest Rates

Enjoy the advantage of competitive interest rates at Koilege SACCO, ensuring that your financial growth is supported by favorable terms within our community-focused institution.

Flexible Repayment Terms

We understand that financial journeys differ, which is why Koilege SACCO offers flexible repayment terms, allowing our members to navigate their financial paths with ease.

Quick and Hassle-free Application Process

Experience the convenience of a quick and hassle-free loan application process at Koilege SACCO, ensuring swift access to the financial support you need.

Commitment to Member Issues

Koilege SACCO is unwavering in its commitment to addressing member issues, ensuring a responsive and supportive environment for our community's financial well-being.

Personalized Financial Solutions

Koilege SACCO is dedicated to providing personalized financial solutions, recognizing the diversity of our members' goals and aspirations.

Download our mobile app

With our user-friendly app, you can seamlessly access a range of services, including hassle-free savings accounts and convenient loans – all from the palm of your hand.

Join the growing community of smart savers and borrowers who trust Koilege Sacco to help them achieve their financial goals. Download our app today and embark on a journey towards financial empowerment!

Secure your financial future: Join Koilege Sacco Today!